How can I customize my resume with the Resume Builder?

With the Resume Builder, you can create a customized resume and tailor it to the job you want. Here are some tips to help you craft an effective resume:


  • Select a template that suits your current situation and work objectives. See Which resume template should I choose? if you’re not sure which template to choose.
  • Opt to hide or show any of your work experiences or credentials to tailor your resume to a specific job.
  • Add free text to personalize the details in each section of your resume.
  • Add an extra section to your resume, or leave a section blank to remove it.
  • Duplicate any existing resume to create an alternate version that you can tailor to a specific job.
  • Save, download or print your professionally formatted resume.

Once you’ve downloaded your resume to your device, you can edit it however you like, including changing its format from RTF to PDF or Microsoft Word (.docx).

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